Monday, July 9, 2012

Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Through Text by Exercising Patience and Kindness

Have you been feeling lonely ever since your boyfriend left you? Are you at a complete loss as to what to do with your spare time now? If you find yourself missing him on a regular basis, then you might want to try and get your ex boyfriend back through text. Intrigued? Well, the good news is that doing this is incredibly easy to do. You just need to exercise the right traits. Read on.

Before trying to get your ex boyfriend back through text, you will to make sure that he has had enough time away from you to begin with. Has a month already gone by since he broke up with you? If it has been less than 30 days since the breakup, then you might have to avoid texting him until those 30 days are up.

This may be hard to do, but you have to give him time to miss you if you want to win him back in the end. Besides, giving him this much time will also allow him to think about why he left you in the first place. Who knows? By the end of the month, he might even realize that he made a huge mistake and may even ask you back on his own without you having to do anything. How great would that be?

Of course, if you want to get your ex boyfriend back in the end, you are going to have to stop saying bad things about him behind his back while waiting for the month to end, as well. No matter how bitter you might feel about the breakup, you have to avoid putting him in a bad light - even to your best friends.

Besides, staying positive about the whole experience will show your ex boyfriend how mature you are and will help him respect you despite any negative things that you might have done to cause the breakup.

Once your ex boyfriend has had enough time to miss you and think things through on his own terms, you can start texting him again. Ask him how he is and check up on him every now and then. Just make sure you don't force him to reply.

Once he does start to reply, though, you can become hopeful once again, but don't rush things. Remember: if you just stay calm and let things run their course, you will have much better chances to get your ex boyfriend back through text in the end.

This news article is brought to you by WOMENS LIKES AND INTERESTS - where latest news are our top priority.


  1. Mark from Boulder windshield, Last year I broke up with my girlfriend due to many misunderstandings and I remember very well how hard I had to fight to get her back. She changed her number, changed her job so that I don’t visit her office and none of her friends would give me any information about her. The only thing I could do was to go where she stayed but that was way too risky looking at the fact that her parents were very strict and she had three elder brothers and none of them would tolerate a guy who has hurt her sister. I still took my chances, so i looked for a way to get her back then a friend recommended me to contact that he will help me and as my friend said prophet harry helped me to bring back my girlfriend just in 3 days Now I have her back and this is the biggest joy of my life

  2. "I received a love spell from and within 3 days he casterd the spell, the spell started working straight away. before i could know what is happening my lover who broke my heart came to my house to ask me out for a lunch" we back together now and we are living happily – Shelee, Victoria, Australia


  3. My husband of twenty yrs was cheating on me and left me and the my children pains and sorrow. i contacted for help and he helped me and after some days my husband returned home since then things has been going great, he shows me love and respect

    Sandy Richard



  4. I read a lot about on the Internet and i was wondering if he can help me get my ex back, when i contacted him he said he can bring my lover back in 3 days and he did as he said, he is a man of his word, he keeps to his promise


  5. I want to know if can help return my ex boyfriend home cus we been broken up for a month in a relationship for 8 years, i never what dr.marnish can do at the first, i was doubting his powers, he said my lover will come back in 3 days time, everything he told me happened just as he said, my lover came back, i thought it was a joke but no this love spell from dr marnish is real
    Rebecca Yeatman


  6. I never really believed in love spell but when I was loosing my lover, I needed help so badly. then I found online and ordered a RETURN MY LOVER SPELL. Several days later, my phone rang. my lover came back to his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only back, the spell made my lover to show me much love. Spell Casting is real, I recommend anyone who is in my situation to try a spell with dr marnish. he will bring your lover back to you. You CAN be happy again! Yes, Spell Casting from dr marnish is REAL. hellen owen

  7. Hello, my name is Mrs harry, i want to use this opportunity to share my testimony, i was marred with a man called Johnson, we have been living happily for the past 8 years no problem, one day when he go out with a friend he came back late to the house very drunk, then i was very sad cause i have not see him in such manner before, then the next day morning he said he is going to the office, then after some hour later my friend called me i respond to the called she shouted at me that what am i doing at home when my husband is in the hotel room with another woman, i was so shock to here that i trust my husband with all my heart i did not know that he can do a thing like that, later the day when he came back he just change automatically i greeted him he did not respond to my greetings i was lost of hope, after two day later when he came back from work he drove me out of the house with a machete, then i parked out of the house i really, i love my husband with all my life soul and heart, i could not resist it then i went to my friend house to help me beg my husband to allowed me come back but still yet no way, after 8 months i was still thinking of him cause i could not forget him thought on my mind, then i look for a spell caster to help me bring him back but know one want to help me but just to eat up my money, until my friend introduce me to once Dr Lawrees a great spell caster from the accent Paris of Africa, who help me to bring my husband back, when i first met him he told me that my husband will come back to me but i did not believe cause i have tried so many spell caster but know way, he said that he is a different man that he can help me i said okay let me give him a try really after i have done with what he ask me to do my so lovely husband came to my house with his friend begging me for forgiveness i have no choice that to forgive him, ever since then we have be together with love, happiness, trust and so much more, please you need to contact this man cause he is a real spell caster he is great, please his email contact is: please you real need to contact him now.

  8. Hello, my name is Mrs harry, i want to use this opportunity to share my testimony, i was marred with a man called Johnson, we have been living happily for the past 8 years no problem, one day when he go out with a friend he came back late to the house very drunk, then i was very sad cause i have not see him in such manner before, then the next day morning he said he is going to the office, then after some hour later my friend called me i respond to the called she shouted at me that what am i doing at home when my husband is in the hotel room with another woman, i was so shock to here that i trust my husband with all my heart i did not know that he can do a thing like that, later the day when he came back he just change automatically i greeted him he did not respond to my greetings i was lost of hope, after two day later when he came back from work he drove me out of the house with a machete, then i parked out of the house i really, i love my husband with all my life soul and heart, i could not resist it then i went to my friend house to help me beg my husband to allowed me come back but still yet no way, after 8 months i was still thinking of him cause i could not forget him thought on my mind, then i look for a spell caster to help me bring him back but know one want to help me but just to eat up my money, until my friend introduce me to once Dr Lawrees a great spell caster from the accent Paris of Africa, who help me to bring my husband back, when i first met him he told me that my husband will come back to me but i did not believe cause i have tried so many spell caster but know way, he said that he is a different man that he can help me i said okay let me give him a try really after i have done with what he ask me to do my so lovely husband came to my house with his friend begging me for forgiveness i have no choice that to forgive him, ever since then we have be together with love, happiness, trust and so much more, please you need to contact this man cause he is a real spell caster he is great, please his email contact is: please you real need to contact him now.

  9. This is the greatest thing that have happen to me how this great man name ogogodu help me to get my ex who left me for another woman my lover who left me we were live happy before so one day he told me that i should help to get some of is clothes wash so i forget that day when he now came back he was tell me that what is wrong with me so i now told him that i forgot so i plead to him he said ok i did not no that he was chat on me having a fiance in texas so one day i want to texas when i saw my fiance with another woman so when i want to meet him i call is name he stay to shout at me what is the matter home with me so i now went home i call him he did not pick my calls form that day i did not see him again for month so one day i was watching the television when i saw a man giving a testimony about this great man that help him to get is wife who have left him on that so many people giving testimony about this great man that have help then so i now contact him he now told me that my lover is going to come back to me within 24hours so i now waited in the next 24hours to my great surprise i saw my fiance came home tell me to forgive him i now forgive him now we are now happily marry so thank dr ogogodu for the help you give to me if you need is help contact him on this emails or call him on is number +2348078999655
    Name Amande
    Country USA

  10. This is the greatest thing that have happen to me how this great man name ogogodu help me to get my ex who left me for another woman my lover who left me we were live happy before so one day he told me that i should help to get some of is clothes wash so i forget that day when he now came back he was tell me that what is wrong with me so i now told him that i forgot so i plead to him he said ok i did not no that he was chat on me having a fiance in texas so one day i want to texas when i saw my fiance with another woman so when i want to meet him i call is name he stay to shout at me what is the matter home with me so i now went home i call him he did not pick my calls form that day i did not see him again for month so one day i was watching the television when i saw a man giving a testimony about this great man that help him to get is wife who have left him on that so many people giving testimony about this great man that have help then so i now contact him he now told me that my lover is going to come back to me within 24hours so i now waited in the next 24hours to my great surprise i saw my fiance came home tell me to forgive him i now forgive him now we are now happily marry so thank dr ogogodu for the help you give to me if you need is help contact him on this emails or call him on is number +2348078999655
    Name Amande
    Country USA

  11. MY STORY
    I was in need of help trying to get the love of my life back.

    I did something stupid and cheated on my girlfriend and she left me 6 months ago and said she will never forgive me or give me another try.

    We had a 17 month old baby together and she has took him as well.contacting a spell caster isnt something i would normally do but i tried anything that would bring my lover and my child back because my life was empty without them.

    This faithful day i saw a post of lady testifying about how DR LOVE brought back her ex and i decided to contact him after 48hrs my lover called me and told me she had forgiven me and that she was coming back home was so happy and been happy since then.

    Using this testimony to say a big thank you to the greatest spell caster in the world ( DR LOVE ) and also as a recommendation for other people to contact him if they need help because he is a truthful and trust worthy man.
    This is his direct contact and tel:. 2348038096203
    Mark from Texas .

    1. The guy my ex girlfriend left me for dropped her for someone he works with! Your spell works fast! Of course she called me but I want nothing to do with her. I love knowing I had everything to do with this, is the best spell caster in the world.

  12. I am the happiest person on earth today because today My five years run away lover came back to me on his knees with tears on his eye begging me to forgive him and accept him back, Doctor kalighat a great Spell caster made this possible with the help a spell. i saw his email on the internet where a girl post on how Doctor kalighat helped her so i decided to contact his and he told me that every thing will be fine and now i am happy because Doctor kalighat is a man of his world because every went well as he promised me. Are have misunderstanding with your love or his you love seeing someone ex ? what is your problem that you which to solve? contact Doctor kalighat today via email and every thing will be fine okay

  13. - I am kasha i lives in uk and i was in a serious relationship with my ex guy for three good years.. One day we were in a dinner party, we had a little misunderstanding which lead to a Quarrel and he stood up and left me at the dinner party. i try to call him but he was not picking my calls so after than i contacted my brother and told him about it,my brother so much love me that he had to see him on my behalf,he told my brother that it is over between us.. Then i contacted a friend of mine that had this similar experience and she directed me to one of the spiritual diviner ( first i thought it was not going to be possible and i contacted him i was ask to come up with a little requirement,so i did what i was ask to do, after 3 days i was in my office when my ex guy called me and was asking me to forgive him and come back to him. i was very surprise it was like a dream to me,so ever since we have been happily married with one kid my lovely baby(Ceslav)...i wish you the best of luck...

  14. My name is Sonia, and i live in uk.I have been through hell and pain,looking for a good and real spell caster who can help me get my husband back.I have been scammed so many times,by some who claimed to be real spell casters.until i found the real and great spell caster PROPHETLUDASPELLTEMPLE" who helped me,and solved all my problems concerning my boyfriend who left me since eight months ago.and after that i also took my friend along,who was also having the same problem concerning her husband,who left her since five months ago,and the problem was also solved by the same PROPHETLUDASPELLTEMPLE". Can't you see! the real and great spell caster is here,all you need to do now is to contact this same address whenever you are in any problem related to spell casting.It took me a very long period of time,before i could get this real and great spell caster.So right now "" is here,and the best for you to solve your problems.......


    1. My name is lizzy Johnson and my ex-boyfriend dumped me 8 months ago after I caught him of having an affair with someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don’t know what to do, so I visited the INTERNET for help and I saw a testimony on how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problems to him….. he cast a spell for me and assure me of 3 days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my peter came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you Dr Freedom spell caster, you are truly talented and gifted contact his

  15. Its a real miracle temple. Wao! Till today i still imagine how Lord Lugard made me rich and famous..I'm from Moore-park. before i met this man on the internet, i was very poor, and cannot even afford my daily living. until i encountered Lord Lugard who help me with his miracles, and today i am a rich and famous woman, and he helped me too in getting my husband who divorced me some months back to my life.. I don't know how best to express my feelings and my appreciations to Lord Lugard the miracle worker.. i wanna say thank you FOR YOUR MIRACLES IN MY LIFE. if you need help in urgent money or you want any help from him, no need to die in silence or borrow anymore. why not contact him, and let him help you is his email And he is also a specialist in all kind of problems.. SUCH AS BRINGING BACK YOUR LOST LOVER. OR YOU NEED A CHILD, OR WANT TO JOIN OR BECOME A MEMBER OF THE ILLUMINATI. he told me to tell you that he is always there to help you, just the same way he did my own. And if you think you do not believe in miracles, why not give him a trial! Thanks to you Lord Lugard the miracle worker...

  16. Hello helen, i want to say a very big thanks to you.... for bringing back my joy to me. my joy was fulfiled immediately after you told me about priest oduma, i contacted him that day and he told me the necessary things i need to provide for him to be able to cast the spell that would make my lover come back to me. i provided all the things he asked for and the next day my lover came back to me begging. once again i want you to know that i really appreciate you for making me know of this powerfull spell caster and i would forver be grateful

    CONTACT PRIEST ODUMA VIA EMAIL SPELLOFSOLUTION@ YAHOO.COM OR CALL HIM ON +2348153363047 for his powerfull spell of solution to any kind of problem
    you can click him here......
    Love Spell
    Money Spell
    Luck Spell
    Protection Spell

  17. My name is Mr Frank Silver,I live in Mexico,and I’m happily married with a lovely wife and three children. I had a very big problem with my wife few months ago,to the extent that she even packed her things away from me and my kids for almost 5 months,and i tried all my possible best and effort to bring her back,but all to no avail.I discussed it with a very good friend of mine,and he gave me an advice concerning a spell caster,and i quote.“There’s someone who can handle your situation,he’s always ready and able to do anything related to spell casting,i will like you to contact him with his email,which is as follows.”Ekpiku spell temple”. I never believed in spell casting,but he convinced me and i had no choice than to follow his advice,because i never dream of loosing my lovely wife.And that’s how i contacted him with his email address,and i discussed with him and so surprisingly,he told me that I’ll get my wife back a day i never believed,until when i got home,the next day,my wife called me to inform me that she was coming back…..So amazing!! That’s how i got my wife back through spell casting and our relationship was now stronger than how it was before.One of the price i was asked to pay was to tell it to people around me that problems like this,can always be solved by “Ekpiku spell temple”. So! my advice for you out there is to visit this same website,and tell him your problems too,if you are in any condition related to love issue or getting your ex back,to have a happy family.THANKS.... HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS : CONTACT HIM TODAY VIA THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: AS HIS POWERS ARE SO STRONG AND VERY EFFECTIVE AND HAS NO BAD EFFECT INSTEAD IT HAVE A VERY GOOD RESULT AFTER CASTING THE SPELL. or view his websit

  18. My name is Nancy,I have been through hell and pain,looking for a good and real spell caster who can help me get my boyfriend back.I have been scammed so many times,by some who claimed to be real spell casters.until i found the real and great spell caster Dr omofuma who helped me,and solved all my problems concerning my boyfriend who left me since eight months ago.and after that i also took my friend along,who was also having the same problem concerning her husband,who left her since five months ago,and the problem was also solved by the same Dr omofuma. Cant you see! the real and great spell caster is here,all you need to do now is to contact him when ever you are in any problem related to spell casting.It took me a very long period of time,before i could get this real and great spell caster.So right now is here,and the best for you to solve your problems all thanks goes to Dr

  19. Hello, my name is LILIAN, I’m from UK. I want to inform you all, that there is a spell caster that is genuine and real. I never really believed in any of these things but when I was losing David, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly. I came across Lidya love spell and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. Several days later, my phone rang. David was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to how much I loved and needed him. Spell Ct.asting isn’t brainwashing, but they opened his eyes to how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try it. It will bring you wonderful surprises as well as your lover back to you. The way things were meant to be you can contact the spell caster he’s very nice and great

  20. This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me..My name is Tracy Adams, and I base in USA. My life is back!!! After 2 years of marriage, my husband left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Sakpana who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified
    that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace,she testified about how Dr Sakpana brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she gave Dr Sakpana e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give Dr Sakpana a try. I contacted him with his via email address and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Dr Sakpana is really a talented and gifted man and i will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful Dr...If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try Dr Sakpana today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here's his contact: Thank you once again Dr Sakpana. Contact him for the following:
    (1)If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3)You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4)You want women/men to run after you.
    (5)If you want a child.
    (6)[You want to be rich.
    (7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8)If you need financial assistance.
    (9)If you want to stop your Divorce
    10)Help bringing people out of prison
    (11)Marriage Spells
    (12)Miracle Spells
    (13)Beauty Spells
    (15)Attraction Spells
    (16)Evil Eye Spells
    (17)Kissing Spell
    (18)Remove Sickness Spells
    (21) Charm to get who to love you.
    Contact him today on:

  21. This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me..My name is Tracy Adams, and I base in USA.My life is back!!! After 2 years of marriage, my husband left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Sakpana who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified
    that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace,she testified about how Dr Sakpana brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she gave Dr Sakpana e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give Dr Sakpana a try. I contacted him with his via email address and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Dr Sakpana is really a talented and gifted man and i will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful Dr...If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try Dr Sakpana today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here's his contact: Thank you once again Dr Sakpana. Contact him for the following:
    (1)If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3)You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4)You want women/men to run after you.
    (5)If you want a child.
    (6)[You want to be rich.
    (7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8)If you need financial assistance.
    (9)If you want to stop your Divorce
    10)Help bringing people out of prison
    (11)Marriage Spells
    (12)Miracle Spells
    (13)Beauty Spells
    (15)Attraction Spells
    (16)Evil Eye Spells
    (17)Kissing Spell
    (18)Remove Sickness Spells
    (21) Charm to get who to love you.
    Contact him today on:

  22. I never believed in love spells or magic until I met this spell caster once when i went to see my friend in Indian this year on a business summit. I meant a man who's name is Dr ATILA he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one's gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell .I'm now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 5 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn't believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is


  23. Hello, my name is Miss faith, I'm from USA. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is genuine and real. I never really believed in any of these things but when I was losing Garvin, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly. I found consultant.odia spells and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. Several days later, my phone rang. Garvin was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to how much I loved and needed him. Spell Casting isn't brainwashing, but they opened his eyes to how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try it. It will bring you a wonderful surprises as well as your lover back to you. The way things were meant to be." you can contact the spell caster on he's very nice and great.

  24. Dr. Telemi is a trust worthy spell caster and he will be of great help to you. I never believed in spell casting but After 4 years of marriage my husband left me because I lost my womb, and i was unable to give birth to children. I felt like my life has come to an end, and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time, but thanks to this spell caster called Dr. Telemi whom i met online after my friend Tracy James told me how he also helped her to bring back her husband in less than 2 days. I believed her and decided to give Dr. Telemi a try and i contacted him on his email and explained my problems to him. He laughed and told me that In less than 2 days, my Husband will come back for me again, and that he will restore my womb and i will give birth to children. At first i thought it was a lie but i took courage and believed as Dr. Telemi has said and it did happen just as this Great spell caster said, My husband called me and was crying, apologizing for forgiveness. I forgave him and today i am so glad that all worries and problems has gone away, and we are even happier than before, another good news is that i am pregnant now, and very soon we are expecting our baby. Dr. Telemi is really a gifted and a powerful spiritual man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. I advice you all If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems just Contact Dr Telemi on his email on at anytime, because he will always help you to solve all your problems. Once again thank you Dr. Telemi. Thank you, thank you.

  25. Att;
    My name is Mr Dickson i was afflicted with a serious illness which i consulted many spell cast prophet which did not help me but all they did was to scam me and add more to my problems so i was almost at the point of death and i promise myself never to believe any spell caster in life until i met with Mrs Dorcas who was scam in a loan transaction who told me about this great spell-caster Dr Malawi Racum, who help her and her family during their problems and i just give the great spell caster a chance and he solved my problems and today i am grateful to announce to yo that we now have a great spell-caster who can trustfully solve all your problems if you are tired down and you want to solve your problems kindly email Dr Malawi Racum VIA; via his mobile number +27620171252 and i assure you 100% over your problem
    Warm Regard's
    Mr Dickson

  26. Have you ever head of DrAdagba the spell caster I AM MISS SUSAN MARK FROM UK. I almost lost my child and my husband about a year ago when we have misunderstanding with each other which leads to the separation of me and my husband and after a month she was engage with another woman and they both travel out of the country down to united state and when I was searching for a help online I came across some fake spell caster which scam some money from me and I lose hope on getting her back untill a friend of my that has receive a help from direct me to him and I never believe on the spell caster anymore because of the other fake spell caster that scam my money from me before but due to what my friend have told me about Adagba spell temple so I just say I should give him a Trier to see if they are all the same so after 24hours of casting the spell I receive a phone call from my ex and was apologizing for his mistakes so i was very happy and it was just like a dream to me and now we are together again living as one big happy family. Thanks to DR Adagba once can Email him now he is a good man and ready to restore your happiness back to you.


  27. After my break up, I couldn’t do even simple things. I have to get him back. I order love spell from this website , and he come back to me. I’m happy again.

  28. thanks to the great man who help me with my marriage problem my ex husband left me for another lady for more than 11months i was just all alone with my kids so i was so confuse till i got this great man on line who i contacted for help and he told me to wipe away my tears that my problem are over that my ex will come back to me within 4days begging on his knees i never believe till that faithful day he came knocking on my door begging so i was so surprise that this kind of powerful spell caster is still in existence so that was how i got my man back i advice any one who have any problem contact this great my for help his email cell phone +2348151795598 for help

  29. After being in relationship with morgan for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything .I CAN NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU SIR HIS EMAIL:

  30. After being in relationship with Harry for Five years, he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. but one day I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in love spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: you can email him or called him on +2347056683626 if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CAN NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU SIR HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS.

  31. I thank priest tokubo today because I was badly hurt when my lover of three years left me to be with another woman . I cried and sobbed every day, and wish the world will just come to an end , until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help when i heard about a woman who got her husband back through priest tokubo. And i saw a testimony of how priest tokubo have been helping people with similar problem that very day i read a lot of testimony and post of this powerful spell caster , and i said let me give it a trial so i contact him for help and he cast a love spell for me which i use in getting my love back and now i am a happy woman. For what you have done for me,i will not stop to share your goodness to people as well I hope God blesses you as much as you have help me to get my Love back,contact him on *****{{ }}****i swear with my life he is a true spell caster and i can boldly say it anywhere and any the only answer to your problems

  32. I thank priest tokubo today because I was badly hurt when my lover of three years left me to be with another woman . I cried and sobbed every day, and wish the world will just come to an end , until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help when i heard about a woman who got her husband back through priest tokubo. And i saw a testimony of how priest tokubo have been helping people with similar problem that very day i read a lot of testimony and post of this powerful spell caster , and i said let me give it a trial so i contact him for help and he cast a love spell for me which i use in getting my love back and now i am a happy woman. For what you have done for me,i will not stop to share your goodness to people as well I hope God blesses you as much as you have help me to get my Love back,contact him on *****{{ }}****i swear with my life he is a true spell caster and i can boldly say it anywhere and any the only answer to your problems


  33. Hello to the people of this forum< Am chizzy from Texas and i can say that am the happiest person on earth since last week with what DR UKO has done for me , it all started last year October when my fiance left me in Texas and travel to see his parents in Ohio at first him was still calling me and show love even when him was away , but it gets to a point when he no longer gives a shit about me , and i noticed it so when i tried to confront him , he told me that he dose not love me again that he feel like being alone i was shocked and heartbroken when i tried talking he will hang the phone on me i was so heart broken and i was frustrated about this , but on a second thought i was not convince that he was on his right senses so i discuss this with my elder sister who lives in California and she directed me to DR UKO of saying that the man has helped her friend in such case before so i said to my self let me tried i contacted this man and explain everything to him and behold dr uko said to me what am to do and i did exactly what he and he said after three days my fiance will call me and once he calls me i should pick the calls and he gave some other instructions . so i said okay , but to my best surprise on the 7th of November my fiancee called me and started saying on the phone am sorry it was like a dream to me , with this i said i will tell the world of his dr UKO goodness in my life , so if any one is out there and needs help in his or her relationship can also contact him today via

    email or whatsapp him on +2347064650019


  34. My Names is Monique Curry ,AM from United states .i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa June 15th on a business summit i meet a man called Dr ADAGBA, is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love s gone misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job i m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 4weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 7 year i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him at first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try and in 6 days when i returned to taxes my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help his email address: OR you can also call or whatsapp him via +2349057354407 or website;

  35. After being in relationship with markiss for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. I CAN NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM, HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEM


  36. I had doubts about magic spells after purchasing many spells that never worked I actually decided to never buy a spell again. I have tried different spell casters..Some of them never answered me after I paid and were obvious scammers, some really cast a spell but for some reason it didn't work. Then I saw a video on you-tube with a person who was mentioning she had results with Mama Anita. Despite the suspicions I had her site looked real so I gave spells a last try. It's probably the best decision I ever made in my life because it worked and my boyfriend came back with me After I broke up with him I spent a lot of time wishing that I could just turn the clock backwards.He helped me do just that. In fact our relationship feels like the break up never even happened. We have never been this happy or passionate, all thanks to mama Anita. If you're looking for a good spell caster look no further,you can contact her straight on ( (

  37. i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

    i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:
