Getting your girlfriend back after a break up can be hard, however many couples do get back together again, even after a really bad split. If it was your fault and you were seeing other girls then you have to show her you have changed. This won't be easy and could take a long time to win her trust back again.
You may be feeling devastated that she has dumped you, however you will need to give her some space. She will be feeling rejected and hurt that you were cheating on her, and trying to contact her too soon could make things worse. Just let things cool down for a few days, then call her and ask how she is. You could try sending her some flowers, or a small gift. This can work very well with some women, however this is only the start and you will have a lot of hard work ahead of you to win her back.
If she agrees to meet you, don't expect her to jump back into a relationship with you. Keeping your ex's friendship is the first step. Don't pressure her, but keep things light hearted. Many romantic relationships develop from friendship.
Getting your girlfriend back if she was the one who did the cheating may not be easy. Does she want to get back with you? Can you trust her again? What caused the break up in the first place? These are important questions that you have to ask yourself before you pick up the phone or send a text message.
If the split was caused by a lack of communication then you both have to sit down and talk things through. If you have been together for a long time then you both will have changed. People don't stay the same through life. Work, family commitment and change of ambitions will have a profound effect on a long term relationship. If you don't spend time talking to each other and sharing your thoughts then this can have a negative effect.
If on the other hand you have only been together a short time, then you are still getting to know each other and this is when personality clashes can occur. Relationships are about a lot more than just physical contact. Friendship, commitment to each other and lot of give and take are essential if you are to stay together.
One good way of getting your girlfriend back is to remember what attracted her to you when you first met and try to recreate that spark. You probably laughed a lot together, and couldn't wait to to see each other on your next date. Was it your sense of humour that attracted her to you? Was it the way that you gazed lovingly into her eyes? It could have even been your chivalrous manner as you held doors open for her. These things can and do change as your relationship deepens, and sadly this is when you can start to take each other for granted.
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